• Tonezone  (hereinafter called: ‘Clubs’ or ‘Club’) is owned by Tone zone sp. z o.o. trading under the brand: Tonezone (‘TZ’).
  • Admission to the Club based on One Day Pass is possible after 10 a.m.
  • The One Day Passes is for Users entering to the Club for the first time.
  • The condition for using the One Day Pass is meeting with a Membership Consultant both before and after using the Club.
  • The use of one day pass is possible upon presentation of the paper version thereof or SMS code together with ID with a photo. You are also required to give your personal details such as: name, surname, phone number, mail address. Only the original, not damaged and unchanged pass entitles to use the Club.
  • JF is the administrator of personal data of Users of a free of charge One Day Pass. Personal data is collected and processed in accordance with the Act of 29th August 1997 on personal data protection (Law Journal of 2015, item 2135) in relation to the use of One Day Pass, i.e. for the purpose of completing a respective Form, access control to the Clubs and verification of User’s title to use the One Day Pass; for statistical surveys, direct marketing used for own services and goods of the data administrator, quality control of services of the data administrator and for the purpose of enforcing claims related to business activity of the Administrator if such occur, as well as, subject to consent of One Day Pass User, for marketing purposes. Data has been given voluntarily. The User has the right to access their personal data, to change it, amend and control as well as to raise objections against processing of the personal data for promotional purposes or against passing the data to other organizations and the User has the right to demand that their personal data processing is stopped due to User’s particular situation, in line with the act on personal data protection.
  • The One Day Pass is valid for 30 days from generating it electronically or from
  • In order to use the One Day Pass, one has to register in the Tonezone Mind & Body Online System and select the classes the one wants to join. Registration and sign up for classes can be done also at the reception at TZ.
  • The One Day Pass is subject to a one-time verification on entry to the Club and is valid on the same day. The One Day Pass entitles to use the Club once only. It is not possible to re-use the Pass in the same or different Club.
  • One Day Pass cannot be combined with other promotions .
  • Only adults and minors overs 16 years old are authorised to use One Day Pass.
  • One Day Pass cannot be given for use to any third parties.
  • One Day Pass cannot be subject of sale and cannot be copied.
  • Before using the One Day Pass, the User is obliged to read carefully and accept the One Day Pass T&C as well as Club Terms and Conditions.
  • TZ reserves the right to refuse access to the Club.
  • There is monitoring in TZ Clubs for security reasons.